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The Adaptive Sports Center is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

The Adaptive Sports Center of Crested Butte

Enriches the lives of people with disabilities and other specific needs through exceptional outdoor adventures.

"It’s places like this that are the light in the dark, a beacon for all of us facing struggles in a world designed without us in mind. The world often tells us no, you can’t, it’s impossible. But here there is a different message, one that says, 'You are strong, you are capable, we are here, you are home.' Places like this are too few in my opinion, so when you are fortunate enough to find it, parts of yourself that lay dormant, kept safe under that thick skin, starts to shine through."

- Lauren, an ASC Participant

Give the Gift of Adaptive Sports

This Holiday season, make a donation in honor of a friend or family member!
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Join the ASCent

Each donation to the Adaptive Sports Center helps us empower and advocate for our participants, while maintaining our endless pursuit of fun in the outdoors. By joining The ASCent, you will play an integral role in helping us achieve our mission--every month of the year--from our snowy winter lessons to the waist-deep flowers of the summer season.

Access For All

A typical adaptive full-day lesson costs the Adaptive Sports Center over $900. The new Access for All Initiative reduces the Adaptive Sport Center’s existing subsidized full-day rate to only $95. Donations and grants make up the remainder of the lesson cost. Additionally, we offer an amazing scholarship program that can provide extra assistance.